Kings Fight Ducks for Playoff Spot!

It is an exciting time in sports rivalries! Longtime enemies the L.A. Kings are fighting puck and stick for the playoff spot and their biggest contender? You guessed it; the Anaheim Ducks! The Kings have enjoyed a phenomenal season thus far with just enough losses to keep gripping on the edges of their stadium seats. There are currently five teams vying for playoff spots; two of which are our NHL Los Angeles teams!

Thus far the Kings have had a season of 44 wins to 26 losses. The Ducks have enjoyed 44 wins to 28 losses but in their defense have played more games. Now, with just ten days to go in the in the regular season, the contenders have it down to the wire. The Kings get ready to face Vancouver tonight after which they will have only five games remaining. Meanwhile the Ducks have just five games left as well; of which the Kings and Ducks last two games of the 2010-2011 NHL Regular seasons are against one another. The last week of the season is always the most chaotic- ten games are on simultaneously tonight alone. No other week in NHL is as nail biting as coming down to the wire for who are the final candidates.

The Kings have so far been active since 197 and since then have won no Stanley Cups. They have won just one Division Championship and one Conference Championship. The Anaheim Ducks are a much newer team, founded in 1993, and have won two Conference Championships, a Division Championship, as well as a Stanley Cup. The odds, if based on history, lean far into the Ducks favor. However, as of today the five teams in consideration for the 2010-2011 NHL Playoff’s are the Los Angeles Kings, Anaheim Ducks, Phoenix Coyotes, Dallas Stars, Chicago Blackhawk’s and the Nashville Predators. The odds for the Kings have never felt so good. Tonight’s game between the Kings and Vancouver is one you don’t want to miss for it’s outcome will weigh heavily in on the King’s likelihood of making it to the playoff’s.